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Natural Remedies for COVID-19

There is so much information running rampant on the internet about COVID -19 that it’s hard to distinguish between what is factual. In this blog post I will try my best to include the research studies that correlate to the topic at hand so that you all have access to factual information. In doing this, you will notice that some of the studies were done many years ago with the onset of SARS and MERS. Please understand that SARS-COV2 (which causes COVID -19) is from the same family as SARS and MERS and therefore in theory should have similar treatments. Before we discuss the remedies please understand that I am not a Doctor yet (lol) but seriously I am not a doctor and if you experience any symptoms that you feel are related to the virus you should seek a licensed professional. You should also consult your primary care physician before taking any new supplements. Now that I got that out of the way for legal purposes. Here are the Natural treatments proven by research:

Vitamin C

Everyone loves vitamin C because it’s an antioxidant. We all know by this point that oxidation causes free radicals and too many free radicals can lead to cancer. However, that explanation doesn’t really explain why Vitamin C should be supplemented with COVID-19. Vitamin C inhibits the activation of inflammasomes and we know COVID causes major inflammation. Vitamin C also helps to protect the lungs which is extremely important with COVID -19 which attacks the tissue in the lungs. COVID-19 also needs furins (enzymes)to be activated and Vitamin C blocks furins. And yes, Furins are the same guys that trigger tumor growth and so it all comes full circle.

When buying vitamin c please note that ascorbic acid is a chemical isolate of vitamin c which is actually found in nature as a complex. Consume vitamin C that is derived from Whole Foods and berries to experience the maximum potential. Check out my review on my favorite vitamin C brand here!

Bitter herb tinctures

If you every had digestive issues than you’ve probably used a bitter herb tincture which increased the production of bile. Bile is in lung surfactant so it increases surfactant. Surfactant is made up of lipids, proteins, and BILE. Surfactant reduces the surface tension in the alveoli of the lungs which is important because without surfactant the tissues in the lungs would stick together causing the alveoli to collapse. Long story short our body produces a reactive oxygen species and proteases that try to attack the invaders and end up damaging alveoli cells in the process which reduces surfactant. This will not be necessary for everyone infected but necessary for those whose breathing is impacted by the virus.


Zinc is known to help regulate immune function and help in wound healing but did you know it also helps you to smell and taste! COVID -19 inhibits zinc absorption in the gut and in the cell. Zinc was shown to be absorbed into the cell best when it’s taken with an ionophore like Quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many foods like green tea and buckwheat tea but you can also buy it in supplement form. What’s cool is that the Ionophores actually help block the replication of the virus in the same manner that the zinc does. Like always I suggest zinc sourced from whole fruits and vegetables. Check out my review on Garden of life's Raw zinc here!


Anytime you take something to kill toxins in your body you should usually follow up 1.5 hours later with something that will help absorb the toxins and usher them outside of your body. The last thing you want is for the toxins to be reabsorbed. Zeolite has been shown to be the most effective. However, I must admit that I have limited experience with zeolite and more experience with binders such as activated charcoal and bentonite clay.

Licorice root

Licorice root is a wonderful option for the virus because it is antimicrobial and contains glycyrrhizin which is what gives licorice a bit of a sweet taste. In a study Glycyrrhizin was found to be the most active in inhibiting the replication of the SARS like virus. It is best in tincture form because it gets into the body quicker when deliver via alcohol 1:1 tincture.


We know that COVID- 19 produces inflammation. Melatonin inhibits inflammasomes and will help you get a good night rest.

Honorable mentions

Andrographis which is a bitter herb from India known to block furins as well as produce bile.

Artemisia Annua shown in study to inhibit SARS

Rosemary which has antiviral properties

Vitamin A which has antiviral effects

Vitamin D which also supports immune support

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