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Who needs B-vitamins?

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

If you are vegan, vegetarian, a parent, stressed out, have gut issues, or lift heavy weights then this post is definitely for you! If you some how managed to not fit into any of the aforementioned categories then this post is still for you because I’m sure that you know someone who fits the description.

When I talk about B-complex vitamins I want you to understand that this includes B1(Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3(Niacin), B5(pantothenic acid), B6(Pyridoxine), and B12 (Cyanocobalamin). These vitamins are responsible for helping maintain your mood (anxiety or depression), digestion, metabolism, circulation, muscle tone, hair, skin, nails (so yes women they contribute to beauty), and the nervous system. As you can see they’re pretty important and your body is so sophisticated that, under the right circumstances, it can manufacture B vitamins in your gut. Yup, you read that correctly, you can make them if the environment is right (not too sure if the supply would be adequate for daily function but you can make them nonetheless). Different microorganisms in your lower intestines play a large role in the production of the B-vitamins but the question is: do you have a nice amount of the good microorganisms. Most people don’t and, by the way, if you haven’t checked out my post on probiotics (good Bacteria) you should read that as well. So, while you’re running to your nearest Wholefoods to purchase your b-vitamins or using the links I’ll provide be sure to grab a bottle of probiotics.

Usually, when a person is stressed out the first nutrients to go are the B-complex, zinc, and magnesium. The tricky thing about stress is that the body is not able to distinguish between good stress and bad stress. Essentially, the chemical reaction that occurs when you work out and lift heavy weights (good stress) is the same chemical reaction that occurs when some one gets on your last nerve (bad stress). The culprit is none other than cortisol. In order to balance cortisol levels you need b-vitamins. So, you can now see how high levels of cortisol can completely drain your B reserves. Once you’ve been stressed out for too long you transition into “Adrenal Fatigue” which is code for you’re burned out, you need a vacation, you’re running off of adrenaline, and if you were a car you’d be running off of fumes. Adrenal Fatigue is a monster that you don’t want to deal with……at all! I am speaking from personal experience. It is one of those things that can happen quickly and takes forever to remedy.

I don’t recommend taking isolated B vitamins meaning I don’t recommend any individual taking B12 by itself or b3 by itself. It is a complex of vitamins because they are of the same group and work well with one another. Your body absorbs them better together and in nature they are not found isolated. This can be tricky because you’ll end up taking a whole complex some times when you only need 1 or 2 of the B vitamins. The most that may happen is that the recommended dose will be too high and will cause anxiety. Remedy this by cutting the dose in half and taking one half in the Am and the other half no later than 3pm or simply taking one half dose.


My go to brands are Synergy company and garden of life.

Both are made from whole foods and do not have any synthetics in them.

Synergy is the more expensive pill and must be ordered. If you watched my review on the Synergy multivitamin than you know how I feel about Synergy. I call them with questions and they answer me. Garden of life is cheaper and can be picked up at wholefoods. I also like that

Garden of life is a capsule and can be added to water or smoothies. Personally, I prefer to add mine to water and your body responds immediately.

Don’t forget nutritional yeast. Add it to everything. (vegans k

now about nutritional yeast lol) It has a surreal amount of b-vitamins.

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