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The Best Drinking water ever!

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

( Although I teach, I'm not an English teacher. I love science, so if you want to proof read my blogs for free please contact me :-))

I'm such a novice when it comes to YouTube videos. With all things, practice makes perfect. I realize that my last video on water failed to mention a few things. Before I dive into what I didn't mention I need you guys to know I did not completely forget because all matters were, indeed, recorded. I just had over 30 minutes of video that I refused to repeatedly watch to find what I missed. I've had that video for over a year and I've edited and lost it several times.

With that said, let's dive into it!

Many people wanted to know about specific brands of water. Are they good or not? Once you eliminate the brands that are not spring water you are still left with quite a few and let's just say that if you're drinking Poland springs or Deer park (both owned by nestle) you're not drinking the best water. These companies use distillation as a mean to "clean" their water. The problem with this process is that it removes vital minerals. Hidden agenda or nah? Nestle can't be trusted at all. In short, if you can not afford a water delivery service, Crystal Geyser should be your go to brand. Not only is it affordable but, it is bottled at the source and all of the springs reside on protected land (less human contamination). They don't use distillation. Because of this, the mineral content is higher than others. Although glass is always the best option, Crystal Geyser bottles are BPA free and 100% recyclable. This is important for those of you who like to store water in your car. No chemicals will leak into your water. (I probably still would'nt store my bottles a hot car).

I provided my water suppliers contact info for those that may be interested. The name of the supplier is Health Water and the name of the water is Mountain valley spring water. The springs that are used by mountain Valley are also on protected land and, thus contamination is less than likely. The price is about $90 dollars for 20 gallons of water. Make sure you order a water pump/faucet to attach to your glass bottles. you don't want a dispenser that will require you lifting and flipping bottle. The bottles are 5 gallons each and are quite heavy.

I wish I could write that this is the last stop and the best water ever but I'd be lying. The next stop for me is to move near a spring or buy land with a spring on it. Let's be honest, $90 for water is asinine especially when mother nature gives it to us for free!

I did not go into a lot of detail about hot water springs versus cold water springs and to be honest it's a little boring. Just know that there is a difference. Bacteria is more capable of surviving in hot water springs than cold water springs. Hot water springs still provide a better quality water than other methods so do not rule it out. Bacteria can not survive in cold water springs and there this makes it the ideal water source.

On the list of "important adult things to remember" (like we need another thing on it, lol) Quality water should be extremely high on the list. Our bodies are made up of mostly water and I promise that once you get on good water you will feel the difference.

Be the light always love & peace


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